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Conygar Quarry, Dunster


To all Members:

I am pleased to announce that from Monday 19th July there will be no need to book a session on the Range. With the relaxation of the social distancing rules we can revert back to how we used to operate.

Therefore you can now attend at a time to suit you during our regular hours.

Can I remind everyone that COVID is still raging and not all of our members will have had vaccinations or even be due them. I would therefore ask that you all act responsibly and observe social distancing where possible such as not crowding round the set up table in the Club room and not passing each other in the corridor from the Club Room to the Range. If people wish to continue to wear masks that is fine but the Club will not insist upon it. Your attendance will need to be recorded for Track and Trace requirements.

I hope to see you all back safely enjoying shooting and the social side of the Club.

New Members: We are also pleased to say that anyone who has contacted the Club and expressed an interest in joining should also have been contacted about coming along for an introduction. If you haven’t been contacted yet, or would like to know more about the Club, please use our Contact form.


Andrew Moore

Secretary Minehead Rifle and Pistol Club