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Sports Report – WSMRL Week 3

West Somerset Miniature Rifle League

Minehead Rifle Club and Williton Rifle Club have now completed Round 3 of the 18 round West Somerset League. This time Minehead A team travelled to the Williton range to compete against the Williton B team. In a close fought match, Williton B team came out on top by one point scoring 381 out of a possible 400. In addition they beat Minehead A on handicap score as well. Andy Phillips from Williton and Brian Slade from Minehead both scored an above average 98.
Minehead B team competed against Minehead C on their home range. Minehead B team had struggled in the first two rounds, scoring lower than expected. This time they came good and beat Minehead C team by 5 points scoring 372 considerably above their expected average of 363. Williton A team had a bye but because they scored below their expected average were deemed to have lost.
So after the first three rounds Minehead A team is first in the Gun Score Competition and Minehead B first in the Handicap Competition. Round 4 sees the first of the cups being competed for, being the Clegg Cup shot over 2 rounds at 50 metres.
These Sports Reports are also published in the West Somerset Free Press!